How You Can Make Things Change in One Click or Real-time Rendering

It is no news for anyone that most inventions and technologies are not used for their original purpose. Real-time rendering is no exception to that. Something that was initially designed as one of the gaming technologies now has moved beyond the limits of industry. The real estate sector didn’t stay immune to the trend and has adapted it to its own needs. If you would like to know more about the advantages and areas of use of real-time rendering, please bear with us.

We are almost certain that someone who had the idea of using real-time rendering in the real estate sector was (and probably still is) a hardcore gamer. Who could be this reckless explorer to have figured out one day that this technology may as well be used for such a serious industry? We have repeatedly written about the advantages of renders and 360 3d panoramas in the real estate sector. You can find articles about this here and here.

Architectural 3d animation is also quite popular. But real-time rendering is definitely something new. It’s not that you just watch and rate. It doesn’t look anything like a banner or a picture in a brochure, or an image on a website. And it is not a clip you are watching.

Forget the observer role: you are no longer a passive player. Feel free to do what you are willing to do, go wherever you want to go and configure settings the way you like. Look around the building, change wall colours or sofa upholstery – it’s up to you how you would like to interact with the image. It’s almost like a fairy who turns a pumpkin into a carriage with a magic wand, except the fairy is you.

If you talk about the process itself, Real-time Rendering happens in the following way: you move in the previously modelled 3D scene and your every step is processed so fast that it seems that the environment you currently find yourself in has been ‘rendered’ right at this moment. Due to the speed of processing you get the impression that you are wandering freely in the three dimensional environment.

Isn’t it the best marketing tool for the sphere of real estate? It is up to you whether to use this application at the development phase, during investor targeting, or while presenting the dwelling to the potential buyer.

This technology works with multiple platforms, that is why, having learned the basic characteristics of each of them, you will be able to choose the perfect one for you and your business. Probably the most common platforms are Unity and Unreal Engine. More about these two you may find here.

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