Highest Quality or How to Reach a Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
Creating highly photorealistic 3D renderings is always the work of two: a Client and a CGI artist. Regardless of how much client is involved in the process of performing the task, the final goal is an outcome of the highest quality. Surely, there is no need for a Client to worry about the details of 3D visualisation process – this will be well taken care of by VisEngine highly professional team of 3D modelers and 3D artists. In this article we will outline the most crucial elements that form efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation between a Client and a 3D visualisation services provider.
How it all starts
After you have decided which company will help you to develop a project in 3D, most likely, the first thing you will want to know is project budget. We always ask to provide a package with project information (could be sent to [email protected]) for analysis and cost estimation. Our team promptly answers all the question concerning pricing.
Step 1 Quoting
WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? – This is exactly what we need to evaluate your project.
- What is needed to provide a quote? Detailed project information: basic plans or design sketches, CAD drawings, PDF files, mood images etc.
- Where 3D visualisation content will be used? Website, catalogue, meeting or exhibitions event – this will determine our work process and final 3D content format.
- How much time do we have? We are fast and flexible with timing, thus can easily work with any deadlines. Timeline effects the project cost too. If any changes arise when a project has already started, additional fees are discussed separately.
Each project is evaluated individually based on its scale, complexity and the amount of available details, thus, at least a minimum pack of information is required to issue a quote. In addition, there is always a certain number of circumstances that have to be taken into consideration. Such elements as design or architecture of the building, number of visuals, the length of the video or the number of virtual tours and rooms in them are going to define the final project price.
Once project price is approved and all other arrangements are done, we are ready to start work.
Step 2 Brief
In order to embody your concept to the maximum we need as much information as possible about the project, in particular:
Architectural plans
We always ask for as many details on the project as possible. When it comes to architectural plans, VisEngine team can work with any file formats. In particular, .dwg drawings can speed up the development process greatly. Layout with room dimensions, height of windows and doorways, ceiling plan — just to name a few details that are essential in every project. We always guarantee that every detail of your project will be executed as accurately as possible.
We can fully model the whole project from the scratch, or use the object from our 3D library, depending on project requirements. As a rule, any major alteration or additional modelling work is charged separately if it has not been included in the initial project quote.
Camera angle
Major and very important project element. A proper camera angle determines the success of any design presentation, as a wrong perspective can spoil even the best design.
Mood boards
In some cases, mood images help to get a better understanding of certain project details and design elements. Show us what you like and what inspires you, and we will do our best to bring your ideas to life.
And last but not least – communication, which is crucial in our work if we want to achieve the best results. All thoughts, comments and suggestions are always taken into consideration and implemented accordingly.
Briefly about the working process:
- Collection project information
- Analysing info with the development team
- Cost and timeframe estimation and confirmation
- Project development – revision – comments exchange – amendments implementation
- Final project revision
- Successful project finalisation
Changes usually take some time.
Of course, in some situations last minute changes cannot be avoided and might be time consuming too. Something can be done relatively fast, other changes might take time, even if at first glance they seem to be quite simple. Surely, VisEngine team takes into consideration all factors that can lead to force majeure during the work process. Therefore, if some unscheduled changes arise, we will have to review previously established timelines and cost for the ongoing project.
Certainly, each project requires an individual approach. Considering this to be one of the main rules, VisEngine team is able to suggest the best solution to every Client. At the same time we are constantly improving our knowledge and expertise, and always do our best to ensure that any cooperation is successful.
Get in Touch
Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you!