The Art of Pre-Sale: Secrets and Tips

Real estate developers and agents often try to persuade customers to buy something that has not yet been built, and this is common practice with its advantages. But who wants to wait months before a dream house is built to see it? Read on to learn how and where to properly apply these mechanisms and which arguments for the previous sale.

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Today, the pre-sale of real estate has become the norm. There are numerous objects currently being sold or in progress, as well as empty areas allocated for construction. However, the potential buyer is not ready to invest in a literally empty place. You have to interest the potential buyer to sell still unfinished real estate. Of course, you’d like to see what you’re buying immediately, not just imagine it. Not to mention the risk of disappointment if the expectation does not coincide with reality. And this is not the only obstacle that arises. However, this does not mean that pre-sale is impossible or meaningless. It means quite the opposite: what is a conditional disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

How can we not just interest the buyers but convince them that the purchase is profitable and worthy of attention? We’ve written a small list of things that can be helpful if you’re selling a property under development or construction.

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1. Outline the advantages

An obvious thing that is not always remembered. Buying real estate at a stage when it is still unfinished gives flexibility that is not possible at later stages. For example, future owners can adapt the premises to their needs. The exteriors in this regard are not too comfortable, but the interiors give immense freedom of fantasy. Here, a reliable assistant is a 3D visualization, through which you can demonstrate all the prospects of the premises and offer potential buyers options for future planning and decoration of the interior. In addition, these visuals can later be used as visual marketing content.

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2. Set realistic deadlines

Waiting and catching up are the most annoying things. In order not to find yourself in any of these situations, it is worth being honest with the potential customer and yourself, which is sometimes even more difficult. It means that you should not make unrealistic promises to the customer. If the time needed to complete the work is six months, you are unlikely to meet it in a month. Reality also imposes its corrections, so delays and force majeure are commonplace. Having experience in project execution, calculate the time correctly and set aside a reserve for the fact that something may go wrong. If you finish it earlier, you will get a loyal customer who will advise you to your friends. If there are overlaps, you will have enough time to return to the planned deadline and not disappoint investors.

3. Visualize the future

The main obstacle in the resale of real estate is that there is nothing to show to the potential buyers. Photos of construction sites or unfurnished apartments are not the best advertising material. Therefore, 3D visualizations have become a beneficial tool. Quality rendering is virtually the same as actual photos, so buyers won’t need to imagine what it will look like in the future. It’s not just an opportunity to show what the building will look like inside and outside in the future. You can also arrange a virtual tour of the premises or show the apartment via video. And to do that, you won’t have to wait for the construction to be completed.

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4. Apply advertising

Reinforce the above items with properly configured advertising campaigns. People are not attracted to the idea of buying an unfinished object. Instead, they want to feel that they are investing in a place that will soon become a cozy house perfect for them. Therefore, it is worth betting on how a product can improve buyers’ lives rather than the product itself.

It will be helpful to use CGI images, videos, and real photos. Photographs from construction sites should not be neglected. Potential buyers need to see the construction progress to ensure that their future homes will be completed on time and look exactly as they were promised.

The pre-sale of real estate is a challenge for developers. Experiment, combine, and test ideas, and you will definitely be able to master previous sales and interest the potential buyer.

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